So...About that Fight! Chap 5 SPOILERS
False truths regarding Stalin
Making MTG cards based on Hunter the Parenting until I run out of ideas: Day 6 not feelin it today but have na Apeboy
What's Something Past Socialist Leaders Got Wrong?
So like...Big D is totally a mummy right?
So, whats yalls thoughts on AC: Shadows so far aside from its connection to Ubisoft?
How do you rank Cyberpunk among the open world titans of gaming?
Are you an Accelerationist?
They Had the Transatlantic Slave Trade at Number 10 btw.
when you fundamentally misunderstand two (2) geopolitical events
The slow and steady liberalization of Bernie since 2016...
The amount of Defeatism is astounding
What do y'all do to grow shoulders?
Quora. A place of immense intellectual advancements are made 🧐🧐🧐
I'm just wondering why no one is talking about these kids in the crowd? Does that mean this is the norm in the Alien stage world?
Okay. I need a refresher and more stuff to read. What the fuck is the US currently up to abroad.
Which billionaire are you most excited to die on the battlefield for?
How many of you use the slang in real life? Just how Cyberpunk brained are you?
I want the full expirence. What shouldnt I miss?
You think there's like an deity making night city miserable? Like a curse?
What’s with the sudden shift from focusing on Trump now to Elon? They really think he’s the secret president?
What do you think social medias are like in Night City? (Image unrelated)
My first CDPR game, Witcher 3 came with a little thank you note. I thought that was a touch of class. But the way they turned around a shaky launch of 2077 to the masterpiece it is now is incredible.
How does The Cyberpunk Universe utilize Sci-Fi's tried and true "Quantum"
What is your opinion