What about RWBY do you like the most?
Do y’all prefer Jason as a Lethal Protector or no?
Which Is The Best Version of Kevin?
"H is for Hero" is the 100th episode of the Dexter franchise. Is it a good 100th episode?
Super Saiyan 4 Ultra Ego Vegeta. (Image edited by me.)
How dangerous would this duo be?
How they should have ended Dexter
Many people write that the Black Mask is the arch-enemy of the Red Hood... I don't agree with that, but I'm curious to know the community's opinion on this.
Villain- Taylor Swift AI cover (originally by Theory Of A Deadman)
Which animated show is the best?
What is your plan to kill L?
Do you think Ruby would look good in an eye patch?
How many people does Dexter kill per year?
Let Autocomplete Complete This: Taylor Swift Is ____
There's got to be a better way
Red Hood and the Outlaws volume 1 issue 17: Joker's failed attempt to kill Jason Todd a second time.
Who had the better redemption arc?
How old do you think Grandpa Max died? bro's lived an incredible long and fruitful life
If you were Batman, what suit would you use? (Doesn't have to be one of these).
Why did Harry choose dexter?
Why is kanvers/Superbat so hated?
Jason Todd playlist ideas
In your opinion, what is the best episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold and why?
batmans name comes from his fear of bats right?
The audio drama ending is both satisfying and confusing