How would you guys feel about a Gorillaz music pass with all the band members having their own skin?
For ASE CERTIFIED MECHANICS identify this truck please
Identify this truck please
Subject: Request for More Transparency and a Clear Timeline for the Pi Community
Meneer of mevrouw heeft 0 medelijden bij een dodelijk ongeluk....
Ik wil (geen) vlees!!!!!!!!!!!! Fijne zonnige zondag iedereen :)
My name is Coo
[NSFW] vreemdgaan topic
What if this happens to our Pi !
Have 20,000 USDT but can't send any of it.
Sell me on this: Why would I register my business to accept Pi?
PiScan suggests we could run a Mainnet node
AIO gf told me not to thank a cashier because I shouldn't talk unless necessary?
[17 F] tell me how I can look more beautiful
The shocking truth, 99.99% of crypto is scam
We all need some kind vibes every now and again
Is there going to be a second migration of our pi? If so, if i leave my lockup settings the way that they are, will they too get locked up how my first migration of pi did? Or would the pi just be transferred to our mainnet wallet and then we can decide to do a lockup or not?
Got scammed
.pi domains are not decentralised
What the actual fuck am I supposed to do against this?
My Girlfriend Hasn’t responded in 2 weeks
really insecure about my look (it’s disgusting to me)
Water Bill Will Make Me Homeless