Would you forgive Regina?
1 sandals and socks
Be honest. What were your first reactions?
Just a reminder that Felicia had brown eyes in Scared Shrekless (2010)
I FIXED THE SHREK 5 TEASER (what do u think?)
Dad trying to save his favourite tree from a windstorm
Why is this child 'with child'?
Anyone else miss the pinkish tint Wanda used to have?
i think there is a reason why puss in boots is not in shrek 5
Where did August get his name?
Everyone seems to be hating the new movie so I'll give you something real to hate 😈
Nutt Milk
Donkey and Dragon should adopt him. I felt bad for this boy in Pleasure Island named Alexander in Pinocchio especially when he said “I wanna go home to my mama!!!!”
Restarting run program?
who is the prettiest here?
Arreglé a Shrek
Do you think we’re going to see them in Shrek 5?
Look. I finally got one of these.
Fantastic Feb
Why wasn't Harold kissed between 2 and the third?
[shrek the third]
Not a bad month
No one is truly more evil.
To visit the toilet and go back to work
Why is shrek’s daughter wearing a nose ring?
So I fixed shrek 5....