Why isn’t this house selling?
Toddler Hygiene
Where do dads with babys go?
Memorial Request - if someone would like to draw my dog, I’d really appreciate it. Thank you.
Proper name that uses Birdie as a nickname
What's everyone elses nursery charging them over Xmas?
Nursery pressure to pick son up early tomorrow! (I know it’s Christmas Eve!)
What Taylor song is stuck in your head today?
NHS Dentist
Weekly Suspected/Undiagnosed MS Thread - August 12, 2024
Questions about potential diagnosis
in honor of the one year anniversary of "speak now (taylor's version)", what's your favorite song on speak now?
What (as far as you know) is your longest held misheard lyric?
Had some troubles with my new bank account and they sent me this for the hassle! Anyone else ever received an apology gift from a company?
what awful names have you seen irl?
What's the riskiest poo you've ever taken?
What food or drink smells loads better than it tastes?
Who's the most famous person from your town?
What's something you completely misunderstood as a kid?
My boyfriend insist on having a camera in the living room while my friend sleeps and it is making us uncomfortable
For the fans of the show when it was airing; what was the summer of 2001?
What's the most you've drunk in one sitting?
I finally got to where I want to be financially!
Question for “middle lane” drivers. Why?
What popular saying or trend got really old really fast?