do u often get annoyed by religious people?
r/historymemes = r/Crusader Kings
Technically the truth.
What is the earliest memory of your OCD?
DAE copy a random letter every time they finish pasting something?
Just one more compulsion!
How did you get interested in eu4?
Should I send colonists one at a time or keep sending them to distant lands??
There should be an “End Human Sacrifices” casus belli.
"I neeeed my own baby"
OCD makes you feel like a liar
What's your most absurd compulsion?
70 Christians found beheaded in church in DRC
Are any of you on antidepressants for OCD?
What will Americans do if Social Security is reduced or done away with?
This isn’t fucking fair
Every time I am like "THIS TIME IS BAD "
For the people asking for the original
Is it an ocd thing to get very scared anytime you’re reading something outloud that you’ll scream the n word out?
Review Bombing of Stellaris by Chinese players, due to the new alt-hist path for India
They’re not gonna take away our SSRI’s right?
“god/jesus christ will save you” irks me
When you don’t do a compulsion, what is it like for you?
Is this true?
What dlc should I buy next