Why Are Developers So Resistant to AI?
ERP for apparel Shopify store
Accounting and Inventory management for my e-commerce startup
Mobile development in tempolabs with expo
Looking for a Co-Founder/Partner to Discuss an Innovative ERP Startup Idea
Need a Co Founder
Shark tank India tiermaker, share your ranking.
Help deciding: faster breakeven or higher rewards?
The Worst Product I’ve Ever Reviewed
Everyone is rude to the pitchers.
Thoughts on the Kamath Brothers Diving into Shark Tank as the New Sharks?
Nasher Miles will be the first unicorn from Shark Tank
What's it like being fat?
How common to use Webflow for design but host elsewhere?
I was wondering why yesterday's episode was much more fun and relaxing and why I liked it more than the other ones...
What was the best pitch of First Week of Season 3?
Seeking Recommendations for Affordable Hotel/Resort in Pune for Small Function (50 Members) with Stay and Food under 1 Lac Rupees
Site is On Shopify. Thinking of Moving to WebFlow. Thoughts?