Has anyone actually beaten Megafort Oosten
Kill Screen glitch
Whats the best long gun
Is it big enough
Does anybody know this cannon
[Psx] H:everything W: customers
Ps5 [W] lorretas armor set the basic rapier or the milady [H] karma
Ps5 [W] Loretta armor set, milady sword or the rapier [H] karma
When does the past and present connect
My small collection
Can someone help me with this
When is the next climax
Bell gargoyles 2
Who is this dude
Emma the gentle blade
Finally beat Isshin
Inner isshin is kicking my ass
I need some context
Can people say something postive about this game and to hype me up and just bought it for 10$ on sale.
Laurence is harder than Orphan
I need help
Why Laurence Is so hard? ;(
Best boss in the game?
I am the luckiest man alive
What should I play