AIO for not tipping my food delivery driver
AIO for not wanting to stay friends with a friend anymore
The autistic kid makes me uncomfortable
Bro somehow has more bitches than me
All of human knowledge
People who want no contact with family/others, why?
Why can't we have nice things I life?
Whats something you have come to terms with?
AIO for voicing my opinion
What do you think about the Americans isolating themselves?
Who's the laughing stock of the world right now?
Whats the highschool controversy at your highschool?
What is something that the American politician trump was right about?
People of reddit, what is something that is holding us back from evolving as a society/ as a whole?
What's something people don't think of when having kids?
How is the rest of the world since America is getting all the attention?
People of reddit, why do we pity the disabled and non good looking people?
Americans of reddit, how do you feel about other countries racism against you?
What's your opinion on the LGBTQIA+ community?
You get to go back in time to the dark ages and tell/warn them about something what are you saying?
What is/was that annoying teacher like?
What's your opinion on the there is more than two genders community?
What's your opinion on trump making a law that there is only two genders?
Americans of reddit what's one thing the rest of the world should be grateful they have?
AIO my school lied to me