Minecraft update leaked
Chester won by a little with 7 votes! R-T and 8-Bit were close with 6 votes, but no Brawler is more funny than the gambling jester! And now, which Tank is universally beloved?
First time I posted this it got taken down
In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
What is your favorite style of music and why?
Some brawlers can use their Hypercharge after casting their Super
Name her after the last Spotify artist you listened to
Here's a game: give me any video game character and I'll make the to comment into a brawler concept
What the hell?
Name a game.
Who is this?
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Some new papercrafts I made
Okay can we seriously talk about this?
The fuck?
Tier list of how smart these brawlers are
Whats your longest streak in The Game?
Well, what did he get? Don’t lie!
not even a 29 gems skin
What do you think about Brawl Stars x Uno.
I have a theory...
Hypercharge ideas for all brawlers without one!!
You have to get a tattoo, what do you want it to be of?
What is the best Imagine Dragons song for catchiness?