Não entendi esse golpe
First time playing the game. Feels like the genie phrase: Phenominal Cosmic Power, Ity Bity Living Space.
Geeeente 😂😂😂 meu primo caçula tá desesperado e me mandou mensagens quase chorando 🤣 Ele tava nos sites +18 e do nada em um click dele nesses sites varou aqui kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk E aí, oq vcs acham desse suposto golpe?
Just died to the worst enemy ever: the Bestiary.
Como lidar com aquele player que mata NPCS por NADA:
Joguei milho para as pombas.
Someone knows why this happens while playing Hell let Loose?
why wont piston piston?
Trabalhadores quebrando as proprias pernas
what are the orange particles that come up when i hold shift?
Can no damage moves cause damage with buffs?
Making games is fun y'all :)
Eu sou babaca por ter empurrado minha namorada?
Sou atendente e sou PJ(tizado)
What can i use large amounts of rotten flesh and bones for?
Free stuff and new Alters!
Como fazer uma revolução sem levar uns tapas da polícia?
Decided to renovate this village
[WP] The Djinns are known for not granting what you ask them, always *misunderstanding* your words to change your desires. But not this one. He gives exactly what people ask for. But in the worst timing possible...
100 mil reais no Pix por engano (Pt. 3) - Desbloqueei a conta
How to mass export any and all items from a Refined Storage system?
Fresh ALL THE MODS 9 Server!!! specs and info listed below!
Weekly Controller Suggestion/Buy Inquiry Thread
Modpack themed about thaumcraft
I made this little keychain using a laser engraver:v