Who do you believe to be the cannon romance option for both Shepards in your opinion? (Image credit BioWare)
The Greatest Come Back Ever In Mass Effect (Credit FluffyNinjaLlama)
What species would you love to have as companion ?
Mass Effect reimagined as a BBC spaceship drama.
Shepard is about to fight the herald of andraste and his companions, what 3 companions should Shepard bring?
If you had to choose from between a volus hanar or elcor to be a companion and romance option what race would you choose
Shepard without Vakarian? Never. (Fanart by Wei723)
Your very favorite gun
What is your favorite dlc and why ?
Who do you think is the most loyal squad member?
Your Ultimate 6 Normandy Crew
What is the one thing in Mass Effect that you can never make yourself do?
Why weren't pikes/spears used in the battle of Ostagar? Wouldn't they've been effective especially since it was a defensive battle for the King's army?
Oh no, that puppy in the RT bed again...
Ogryn companion
Tell us who is your favourite companion in Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader without naming your favorite companion!
What Faction Do you Wish Was in Rogue Trader?
What’s his name?
Is this normal?
[F4A] Have you ever wanted to fuck a star wars character? Now is your time! I’ll play as one of these girls for you in any plot you’d like! Please bring your kinks and limits!
In an alternate timeline, Ulfar is replaced with a space marine from another chapter, which would you pick?
The party bar at the top of the screen has disappeared.
Just made a new character. What the fuck should I name him?
[F4M] Looking for a colonizer to come own this pussy. I can play black, Latina, and Native American for you white boys. We can do modern times or something historical! (With a preference for historical)