We may not get along with family all the time or constantly but there’s nobody like family so if you have any family please be super grateful.
Do you avoid listening to certain music or musicians because they can make you feel down or depressed or sad such as when you’re not, and you don’t want to get dragged down there?
Do you think it’s better to live with family and or parents as adults?
I love cats they have big beautiful eyes how can anyone not love cats so much?
How do you not get triggered to anger inside when someone you love makes you feel they’re being condescending?
Does tame Impala trigger deep emotions in you
Something to try to do: next time you want to think someone else is a negative characteristic like condescending, don’t do that and instead just think about how you can control your emotions towards whatever action or word they did that made you feel that way.
Do you think Radiohead’s music represents depression or loneliness or even just being alone even if you’re happy being alone with nobody around?
My mom is obsessed with health and can’t talk about food or exercise without getting a holier than thou and condescending unasked (or some cases asked for) advice giving mode which really irritates me and I also don’t like being around condescending people
I feel like I live in a glass house
Do you think that because people identify as low iq, they may start having inferiority complexes and perceive others as being condescending even when they possibly arent?
Why don’t some loved ones want to know who you are as an individual?
As a skinny person what is the reason when I sleep on my side my leg starts feeling like it’s going numb
How would you feel if no one asked you questions about yourself like to find out about your dreams, your fears, what you love and care about, etc to find out who you are as an individual?
What’s something you can say like Michael Jackson’s when he said he loves going on tour?
Do people identify with their gender or race and how can they stop? Should they stop!?
In some ways, referring to our race or gender in terms of how we identify as individuals is actually limiting
What would you do if your mom cries when you say you are thinking of moving out again (you’re an adult) but yet she doesn’t even know who you are?
I like listening to Jordan Petersen
I’ve actually had some guys ask me tons of questions but it ended up seeming like they were not really interested in actually bonding
Can you learn someone’s hopes dreams and fears without verbal communication? Why are some people so okay with “bonding” with others without actually talking a lot with them?