What Led You to The Satanic Temple?
your favorite satanic/unholy quotes
🌘 Free Readings — Find Real Magic
Question - update on satanic panic
Those who read both playing cards and Marseilles Tarot - do you use the same method for both systems (like the pip cards in Marseilles are read the same as the playing cards) or do you utilise different approach for each?
All Zodiacs for SAT., 03/01/2025
🌑Free PISCES NEW MOON Intuitive Readings 🌑(for those I feel drawn to)
Overwatch's D.Va voice actress harassed and berated by westjet employees for the entire flight duration
Just wanted to share this one, found it quite odd.
Free Oracle Readings (Weekdays, M - Th, through Feb 27th ‘25)
What’s the easiest dice system?
Free Readings (till 9pm)
Places to offer readings
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About my divination readings
Anyone else here invent their own system for a nontraditional deck?
Free Readings for the first 10 Peeps
New to Readings - Ace of Clubs Repeated?
The cards accidentally cut my fingers
Could this been wrong
Will Rylan from school accept me for being transgender?
Anyone using cartomancy for magickal purposes?
What’s yall think?
Woman won't watch the Super Bowl half time show because of Black magic
Based on a true story..