Base S23 ONE UI 7 Battery
The bottom 4 apps
One UI 7 Beta Live in US for S23 Series
Oneui 7 first impressions (s23 base) comment your qn if I missed any
Share you animation settings !
March 1st security update and another January 1st Google update today
Update and Samusng Pass
Will they ever fix this animation ?
Why is my battery this bad?
Samsung S23 FE battery
ONE UI 6.1.1 is live on S23 in Poland
Equalizer changed after One Ui 6.1.1
The Giant Unsolved Cipher (Unsolved - help)
Ile zajmuje Wam dojazd do pracy?
Codesys, diffrence between a program and function block
One ui 7 gallery icon
What do you expect form One 7.0 ?
Dynamic Bar concept
Today's leak
Rocket mode... Dull?
S24 or S23?
Szokujące ustalenia! Niemcy przerzucają migrantów. "Strona polska przyznała, że wydalonych z Niemiec do Polski zostało 7500 osób"
Just finished Origins EE for the first time
Battery UI question
I finally did it ! Last 500 was just pure pain