is the switch worth it?
Is DBH better than Heavy Rain?
Some nice songs quoting or referencing famous authors or poets
Most emotion evoking song you know?
What type of band structure do you like personally?
Songs with "War" in it's name
Favorite bands with a front-woman (female lead singer)
Do any good simulators exist ?
Bands with "endless" music
If You Were A Professional Boxer, MMA Fighter or Wrestler, What Would Be Your Metal Walk Out Song?
Is there a name where everyone you’ve met with it pissed you off?
NMS VR is just… breathtaking… the most immersive experience I’ve had
S.O.D. - Sargent "D" and the S.O.D. (1985)
Older guys - are they really interested?
A gift from my mom
Vinyl worth anything?
I don’t understand people who don’t believe in climate change.
Is there a place to meet LGBTQA+ friends online?
I need a game to play!
Smashing Pumpkins..?
Finished the game for the first time! I genuinly had one of the best times playing a game in YEARS, but I'm suprised how many people are hating on it :(
What’s the last song/album that made you cry?
Every vehicle in the world including your car has been K24 swapped! Whats your reaction along with the rest of the world?
this makes me feel offended :(
Went to a fancy Italian restaurant and found a Escalade V