New to Auracast...
Did the internet exist in the 80s? Did people know about its existence?
The thing about retirement - is time
Do you use cannabis? Why or why not?
Things in the sky
Just back from NOLA
Hiding hearing aids
Late posting but did others have any issues masking during covid? I kept pulling the out almost every time I took my mask off. I ended up losing one (widex). Now I have phonak and thankfully don’t have to mask
Does Cannabis have an effect on Tinnitus?
Has anyone here ever actually been helped by a doctor (for your tinnitus)?
Those with large libraries: do you ever shuffle your entire library?
Apps for Chilling with Music?
Quest 2 to Quest 3 - is the Meta case for the 3...
Ruins Other Games
what’s this supposed to mean?
Looking for a comedy show to binge.
Tinnitus- A sound in your ears or in your head?
Best Browser for Mac?
Virginia father of 5 killed by bear falling from tree during hunting accident
Does Siri Have Advanced Reminder Functionality?
How to add a song to Favourites?
absolutely zooted and wondering what are some good movies to watch while high??
Are there any good dead tracks to fall asleep to?
Single Snip
Questions on timing