Jonathan E. Steinberg and Dan Shotz in Talks to Write, Produce and Showrun Live-Action ‘Power Rangers’ Series at Disney+
You're a Ranger have the key to all previous Rangers. Which key are you using the most?
They’re a lot like The Lion Guard, aren’t they?
If yall had the chance, how would you rewrite Sammi as a character?
All of my dino charge-ninja steel zords combos
How would an interaction between Zira and Scar in the volcano go?
In a battle of endurance, who is taking the win?
Battle of Adaptability. Mahoraga vs Doomsday. Who is winning?
What is the first anime you've ever watched?
It gotta be hard being a Samurai fan these days.
Which of these are coming out on top of an all out brawl?
Bored, ask me anything
Death (castlevania) vs Alucard (Hellsing)
Describe your favorite anime in the worst way possible.
batman got his name due to his fear of bats. using that same logic, what would your superhero name be?
Do you think Dracula offered to turn Lisa? And if he did but she said “no”, what do you think the reason would be?
You are getting jumped by Magical Girls quickly think of (or steal) a superpower to defend yourself with!!!
Name a character that can beat this team.
What character do you love that everyone else hates? I’ll go first
The countries on this map that aren't mentioned by tomorrow will be removed day 1
Am I too old for still liking Descendants?
Which season do you think should’ve gotten a movie of its own?
I would voluntarily become a slave for Lenore on the off chance that she might let me smell her hair
Love it, Once Upon A Time!!...
i’m 16f!! ama