What should I start with to practice tracking aim?
As a GM player, my opinion is fact and anything I disagree with is a bronze take
Anyone else think Mag's ult should just fire by itself once it's overloaded?
Why change to that sign?
Koussevitzky Concerto Form?
Rumor Teases Where Moon Knight Might Appear Next
How do I convince my friend to use a lower sens...
Beyond hyped for when he eventually drops. What class would he be
Petre, why the two broken nails?
(physics) What about an oboe’s overtones makes it sound so pure?
What does this mean?
Oh no… they’re learning.. He knows his time for baking will come shortly!
you can’t go in there buddy…
Lucizen after being called out for the most obvious aimbot ever
While Cloak&Dagger are ulting, can Magneto's ult eliminate them even at 0% charge?
Adam Warlock, the perfect human.
Marvel is ending the world tomorrow :(
Left hand pizz technique question
What to do next
Anyone else like to write modes using their relative key rather than marking each accidental?
I stg she owns the brain cell.
Orange is too big
[Discrete Math] Confused on problem g. On f I explained how the odd rows of Pascal’s triangle are mirrored, but I’m not sure how to prove this with the binomial theorem.
Jeff has a bad dream- fan animation by me