Question about using extensions with Directus installed via DigitalOcean and Docker
Mon client ne veut pas de TVA sur la facture
Est-ce que je peux laisser mon vélo sur sa béquille ?
This is not r/howdoimakemoney, if you need money get a JOB
$120k saved up - now what
What’s the best way to make six figures ?
Should I use an unlimited pricing for my SaaS ?
I just got the ChatGPT Image Recognition Feature
What’s something simple but actually hard to execute?
What is your plan to become rich?
Does anyone know how to translate the Sonic mangas from Japanese to English?
Need advice on architecture for a translation app
How can i translate raw manhwa
That's... a little unsettling
Vous aimez bien la saga des tales of ? Sur steam il y a Zestiria Vesperia Symphonia Berseria et Arise qui sont souvent pas cher en solde je les ai tous fait et les trouves vraiment top et dynamique
Counter Strike 2 officialisé : 3 vidéos de présentation disponibles sur la chaîne Youtube de Valve
“Psycho-Pass: Providence” New Key Visual
Simple and functional
Any scans or translations going on of Dakimaku Runner? I remember hearing about it a couple of months ago and wanted to check it out because of its insane premise.
Are there any reliable manga translation tools?
Is there a Gakuen Babysitters manga translation?
where can I find Funouhan manga translated?