Finally my first DP
Power Spots seem pulled from Google Maps
Lineup 2024 as iCalendar file
Auto-mass scanning Pokemon question
This account has failed to authenticate. Please try again later or try a different linked account.
Things i miss from Fun Run 3
A few suggestions for FR4 :P
Live: @everyone & Notifications for All Messages in a Group/Channel
Is there a way to get classic Ingress sounds back? Especially the old background ambience?
Chance for Kleavor raids to bug out...
Which is your favorite RedReader theme?
Trying to import but get this error even though pandas is installed: ImportError: Plotly express requires pandas to be installed
Campfire Invites MegaThread—Pay it Forward
Web version of Campfire
Suggestion: Fully Autoscan & Rename of all pokemon in stock
Bug? The gym header doesn’t go away after exiting the gym. Only occurs with this one specific gym for some reason. Anyone encounter anything similar?
Is there any way to get rid of this pop-up? It appears every time I open the app.
Unable to scan when PoGO language is not the system language
Heatmor not recognized in German
Unable to scan after installing PG 0.175.0 and changing language in app only
PokeMiner's In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.169.0