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Just why?!
Did I do something wrong here?
This was a draw, 98% acc, evenly matched all game. How would someone win this? Fewer piece trades? Moves that make sense at a higher depth than we can see at our level?
How to make the last 100 elo breakthrough to get to 2000 elo?
I thought this was quite funny. White to move.
Mate in 3.
Why do people do this?
(staller found) so who is bad here?
Could use a little advice
Is this how I chess?
Ways to earn money
I am pissed
Is finding entry level online employment even possible anymore?I'd like to work
So hello ,I think many of you have seen this image , so .... I'm trying to find the origins of this image , is it real or Photoshop ? Idk , if anyone knows just tell me in the comments (my first post )
Going on a 14-hour flight next week. What instructional YouTube content would you recommend to get the most chess improvement out of it? Just looking for stuff to download and watch on the plane.
I want to get better at chess so I can play with my girlfriend. How do I have more fun?
Are Human + AI teams better than AI alone?
small favor