I'm gonna make you an offer you cannot refuse
When you pass the class but your conscience didn’t
What movie perfectly captures a specific time period?
What was Christian Bale's best performance for you?
What's your comfort movie?
What movie comes to mind when you see Channing Tatum?
What’s the most uncomfortable movie you’ve ever watched?
What's your favorite fan-made film?
What movie do you watch every year?
What album is this?
Movies that come to mind when you see Sandra Bullock
Cuz tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
What’s a sign that someone was raised right?
All-time favorite Christopher Nolan film(s) and why
Which film's sequel completely changed the tone of the original?
The kids part of the museum is where they can roll in stuff
How are you feeling today? Choose your mood on the dog scale! 🐶😂
What is the first movie you think of when you see Wesley Snipes
What’s that one project you keep telling yourself you’ll start ‘someday’ but deep down, you know it could change your life if you actually did it?
What movie comes to mind when you see Meryl Streep?
Redditors who had a baby face, what's your secret?
What's a movie that left you speechless even after the credits rolled?
Favourite Cameron Diaz movie ?
What Tom Hanks role is your favorite?
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