Sekiro is much harder if you’ve played other souls games huh?
[Multiple Games] I hit 20 plats! Here is my tier list
Machine gun hunter killed himself.
early birthday present
My bloodborne area tier list
What’s the first game that comes to mind when you see this screen?
Can anyone guess my favorite game?
Suggestions for NG+2 ?
After 1-2 years, I finally fuckin' got it
Does anyone recommend and attack power for the last boss
What country is this? (wrong answers only)
Anyone wanna platinum w me? :)
This boss had no business being so annoying
What's your least favorite boss, the one you hate fighting the most. Dlc/base game
Be honest: do you actually like chalice dungeons?
What’s your favorite enemy?
What is your favorite FromSoft weapon of all time? I'll go first:
What is the enemy in Bloodborne that you hate the most?
So speechless..