Sanji vs Lucci(current)
Glaze a character you hate and anyone who likes that character has to slander them
Marine Fodder vs Pirate Fodder - Who wins and what diff?
Please help. This is hardcore and i dont know what to do.
Old Rayleigh and Gaban vs All Whitebeard Commanders (Marineford)
okay, i'll bite. who's this "Travis McElroy" i keep hearing so much about?
Sexes of new parakeets?
What else does this cage need for a parakeet?
Who you got winning?
What else does this cage need?
imu, how dare you kill my friends. this is not funny anymore, no more laughs, no more joys, no more cartoon bullshit. it's time for gear.....DARK DEATH.
Caught a restock
What champions do you say are the most unique?
Which duo wins the fight and why?
hot take: if it was a straight 1v1 no off-screen off-screen no mi between law and bb, law wouldve lost high diff
Predictions on garen nerfs?
I'm sure I'll get a reasonable and truthful answer
Went from Iron to Gold in 56 Days
Name Ideas?
BREAK misprint?
Was Zoro truly stronger than luffy post timeskip, If so by how much and when?
Should I get budgies?
[OC] Runic Dice Choose Your Own Dice Tower Giveaway!
Dug out a chunck what should i put here?
How Do YOU Pronounce Rayquaza?