Big day for annoying people
the hood lost a real one today (spoilers for latest umineko stream)
Umineko Episode 4 Standout Manga Panels Part 1 (Spoilers up to latest Joe stream) (Warning: Feels)
Tower of God New World Lore
Is rule Y even good? full spoilers + manga)
Visual Novels you don't recommend and why? (No wrong answers)
Characters clearly inspired/pay homage to another character/series but still distinct enough to not be a blatant copy
Villains that are so well written they are hated by the audience for it
This is what happens when a man gets lost in the Domino's sauce
Silent Hill f - Official Japanese Trailer
Well this is going to be interesting
the MONSTERS in this game are gonna be SICK!! so excited for Kera’s designs!!!
When the villain with no redeemable qualities shows a rare moment of weakness/regret
What historical "fact" did you learn in school, that later turned out to be completely wrong or misrepresented?
Why do people like Endorsi?
A Danganronpa's characters Tier list based on how many fanfics they are on AO3 that ship them with Nagito Komaeda.
The author can cook…when he feels like it
Ending that’s genuinely horrifying and upsetting but passed off as a good ending
Chinese server announced!
A Danganronpa's characters Tier List based on how many fanfic they are on AO3 that ship them with Shuichi Saihara.
Higurashi: When They Cry: GOU
Let me read your wildest theories
I did similar sprites comparison so you would know what are you missing out playing PS3 and Steam versions
Umineko Episode 3 Poll Results