What’s this in point pleasant park?
How would you play this chord progression?
Free Fretboard Mastery Tool
What guitar would you associate as being the most iconic jazz guitar ever?
Any tips for getting a jazz sound out of a strat?
Who are some jazz guitarists who can give me some inspiration and help me learn jazz.
First night out with my first cue stick!
Parking ticket not showing up when searched online.
How often should I change my Mk8s oil?
Taking care of your cue
What Am I doing wrong here
Made some friends this weekend
SA10R on my black egg
Mk8 Gti Owners - What is your favourite gauge cluster to use?
Learning every note on the fretboard
What is with all the hype around Mk.gee’s guitar playing?
My roommate doing us white guys proud
Recommendations for somebody new to tinned fish.
Why is restaurant salmon sashimi so much cleaner and less fishy than home made?
Can anybody ID these guys? Initial thought was bed bugs but they seem to be too small. (Canada)
1. Do I have bed bugs? 2. If so what are these black dots? Are they related to the bed bugs or something else?
How much would you actually have to play for your guitar to end up like this?
Getting too big for my boots, try and knock me down a peg or two
One of my favourite hot sauces from my favourite hot sauce brand.
Is this too small for my wrist