GTA Vice City on Oscilloscope
Pumpkin pie with a donut
Playing baseball inside the module of the International Space Station
What's your favorite N64 FPS?
What’s your favorite B movie quote?
IMDb’s top 20 best rated films of all time! Agree or disagree with this list? Is there a film that should have cracked top twenty?
If you could teleport, where would you want to go first?
New to electronics and am considering buying this lot of books. They are old, but is there valuable knowledge here?
What's your theroy or opinion on why so few movies have realistic dialogue?
Rate my $2 score from the thrift shop!
What Do You Think Is Best Game Of 2005?
Did anyone else rent games from RadioShack?
Inflatable movie theater for kids
Coach yanked player’s ponytail after they lost the game
The Washington Monument is actually the periscope of and entry to a giant underground bunker in the case of nuclear/apocalyptic disaster
Atari Video Music to Pioneer plasma ❤️
Elder Xennial rant: why do I need a giant flatscreen on my car dash?
1997 in music. What's your verdict?
Just finished Paradise
Underrated whodunnit movies?
which one of these classics should I play tonight?
Based on my top albums, what should I listen to next?
What's the best looking Genesis game to you?
Arcade games that started as non arcade
Best bands A-Z voted results!