States with the best views idk
How are we supposed to know when decisions release?
feb seemed to go by so quickly but now i cant stand march
Anyone else feel bad talking about college stuff
give me ways i should open my decision letters
columbia likely!!
Js got my first financial aid package
Uga Rd
4 more weeekks…
Ecs for 8th grade INT’L aiming for hypsmhndcpcbuncvcurd (T20)?
UPenn fin aid email reminder — did everyone get this?
Don’t lose hope
No admissions team interview
Now tht college app is over…
2months in February
Princeton interview
Senioritis hit me like a truck
Columbia Extension
My new favorite A2C Hobby
Drop your dream college and why
Just got into BU Ed2
What schools would you recommend for me?
What grades do colleges check?