I am a proffessional ________.
Breaking news! Trump banned ___
What level is this
It's not illegal, officer! I was just _______.
1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a ______ war!
This image flashed in my head for a second while I was asleep
Had a dream I was on Newgrounds and saw this game where rats would shout insults at you in a corn field
Name a level that has these orb inputs I dare you! (Top 1s dont count)
I got 48 on Codependence solo! Finally broke through the barrier that is the end of dual 3 but I still have a long way to go
that is bound to outrageously influence angling period
This is a very old dream but i dreamt that there was a sequel to Detective Pikachu called Detective Jigglypuff. The main character had PTSD and every few seconds he would have flashbacks with disturbing imagery.
What was your first demon of each difficulty and how many attempts did it take you? Here's mine:
Aeternus got rated
Pretty proud of this edit i put together to announce my next hardest
Why do people still make these when green orb exist? Are they stupid?
Who is this duck and why does he appear in so many levels?
Making my first level and need as much constructive advice as possible. (more notes in a comment)
First time making a Nine circles like Level. Rate it 0-10
Another check off the bucket list
Just beaten more demons
is my level rateworhy? (ID: 115410092)
What is this button in the middle of the screen???
Keep dying at dash 😀
What Level Is This?
What is the worst part of your hardest demon?