Are there any intp people here who do full-time jobs ?
best day ever
Leave a meme, get a meme
Has there ever been incest in your family?
How my type feels constantly:
Genuine question: Why do people like Vortrox?
My mom deleted all of my memes going through my camera roll can yall donate some *rattles plastic cup w coins*
Does he know about sperm and egg? Also God doesn't have a gender...
can we not normalise people like him on this platform
I need song suggestions pls
Why do I like nerds so much?
17F let's argue I'm bored
Femboy Rant (Serious)
presentation of a doug rework in ms paint that whould either not change anything or make him broken
I drew Tidal wave as a girl in school.
ranked/competitive does not need a 6th game mode. remove this garbage (heist included)
Drake the type to get scared by poorly made anti-piracy videos
Ranking every meme for 2025 but it's me don't really know most of them
what how why where
Do you have any brawlers that you like personality wise but hate in gameplay?
Who is this guy!! (wrong answers only)
How did Metamorphosis not get mythic?
Drake the type of Christian Christopher to use LMBO (laughing my butt off) instead of LMAO
The profile pictures of each MBTI’s subreddit.