Lovely new cyzicus probus added to the collection.
Shhh, my show is on
Yea so I won this lot for around 120€ hammer. How do you think I did?
I know almost nothing about ancient coins, but I picked this up in York, England. Could anyone help me know more about it?
Hello, New to the Site.
FAKE or REAL: Laodicea ad Mare Tetradrachm
Help ID and or value please
People in Key West (FL) taking Selfies as Milton approaches
Where im?
Finally got some bright sunlight to post this
One of the nicest constans siliqua of this type that I've seen/held
A lovely gallus heavy siliqua at 4.00 grams!
Nice little vetranio
Those two are so light (only 2.1 and 3.2g). Do I have to worry about fakes?
Some low quality denarii
Who doesn't like a nice tacitus
What are these coins and what they are worth ?
Stopping the ice cream man
A very silver gallienus
Did I overspend?
$125 from LCS. How did I do?
My recent auction winnings came today
Just received my Dirty Old Coins package. These pictures are exactly what I received. I’ve done no cleaning to them yet.
Authenticity check