You know what? I’m sick of there not being a place for mature stuff. Enter r/SausageFestival.
First attempt at replicating the shows style!
Cut content from Army of the Doomstar: Salacia's backstory by Songgu Kwon
[19] to [26] - Confidence works wonders
Any super fans want to point me to some episodes where they specifically speak about Death Metal or mention it by name?
Cut content from Army of the Doomstar: Salacia's backstory by Songgu Kwon (More info in the comments)
I Still Need to Watch AOTDS…
ancient fuckass art but i will love him until the day i die
I’ve been wanting to do one of these “I think we’re gonna have to kill this guy” comfort character memes for a while and finally got around to it 😂
Let’s Rewatch the Series: S01E16 Dethkids
HELLO I am fine! Just… getting high. 🫠
That coat rack broke!
Cmon Meatwad, you’re not hungry for some cane?
Favorite fencers?
“A rare hug”
Let’s rewatch the series: S01E14 Bluesklok
Let’s rewatch the series: S01E15 Religionklok
Anyone know what this is?
Favorite villains you were kinda sad to see go
What episode had the worst food: Lutefisk S3e21
Favorite hear me outs?
Characters who can't cook
Is Metalocalypse still on Max?
Let’s rewatch the series: S01E13 Go Forth and Die
What is your favorite single dish from a restaurant in Omaha.