Why are ADC's played bot lane again.?
I bought every ADC in the game, Now lets rate them as top laners (part 2 for mid lane in a minute.)
Every ADC ranked as a mid laner.
I ended up going from 2/8 to 19/10 in this game.
Can you stop filling my notifications.?
Havent played league in a year and never really played heim but today I did these "2 plays"
Why group drag when you can take the EZ baron solo?
2v1 on Blitz/Jax. Poor guys....
Tell me how troll this build is. Ik you want sundered sky instead.
Need help in DS1, I am not sure how to remove the fog in Demon’s Den and I have nowhere else to go, any advice?
Stop picking mages for god sake
Is this good pick pool? I primarly enjoy hook champions
How do I Hecarim micro?
There is a hecarim bug in swiftplay
Apparently I just suck at Aphelios. I just can't carry like on Trist
It's starting to get suspicious
From supp to adc ?
Hello adcs
Should i just play heimerdinger.?
I'm in need of a hard-carry champion to one-trick
Regarding The Millicent Spambot
Your last saved image made Anya cry, what did she see?
Why do KR kindred challs do this.?
Why are invaders so rude?
What's your favorite Kindred skin?