What's the worst public humiliation you have witnessed?
Landlord selling 2 family home -is my lease protected?
Liberation of Undermine Heroic - Spec Popularity vs Average Overall DPS
White House denies defying judge's order over deportations to El Salvador
Bioprinter curio suddenly incredibly weak? Anybody else experiencing this?
Patch 11.1.5 speculated for April 28th - Horrific Visions confirmed by calendar for May 20th
For the worlds travelers
The 'inappropriate' gift my gay uncle gave me on my 16th birthday
Tesla Protest - Route 22
What’s a conspiracy theory that you 100000% believe?
Why do (some) fathers have no interest in participating in the lives of their children?
Is anyone short with tall parents? How do they face it?
What is one habit or change you made in your own life that dramatically improved your happiness, mood, or got you through a difficult period?
Looking back, what do you wish you had done differently when you were younger?
Reddit veterans, what are your best-kept secrets for gaining karma fast?
People who don't want chickens what is your biggest reasons?
What’s a double standard that works in our benefit?
How serious is a NDA?
What’s a good weight loss meal with ground beef?
Photo from the protest in NYC this morning as a response to cuts to federal programs
What would you do with £450grand??
What is the weirdest or most disgusting thing you've found in someone else's house?
What wear to friends wedding?
Why has the United States become a country where most people rely on borrowing to live
How did you become a nice gay?