My weekend summary. Pride
What Is 1 PS4/PS5 Game You'd Love To Get A 60fps Patch That Doesn't Currently Have One?
I detest this calling card challenge! (Let’s Go)
270 hours played, Dark Matter and almost every calling card and I have hit the wall.
Could this be correct? Another 2XP Event (Back to Back)
What is your current favorite gun in BO6 and why?
Oooooh double XP weekend. Sony: lol.
PSN is back up
[COD] What's your favourite MP out of these? Can't put bo2 because it will win every time xD
Time to go outside...
I like Bounty!
When you finish top in the lobby…
double xp pranked? XD
If you could only choose 1 optic, which would it be?
Season 2 has once again proved that Treyarch can no longer make a good map
Anybody know how to assign the tracking feature to camo/calling card challenges?
Bounty map is a future classic!
Ahhh. The first glitch!
99% gang rise up
Where’s ranked ?
Finally got around to finishing up my camo grind.
To everyone that says the core maps are good in BO6, why are you so delusional?
It was a hard grind but I did it
What map makes you feel like this?