I am a narcissist and a compulsive liar. AMA.
ChatGPT is so kind and smart that it feels very sad when you realize it's not a real person
Rikshaw aur thar walo se bachke Rehna padega
What base pay for a 27, M, Single; across any sector in India for a good standard of living in tier 1 city?
Can't post Pictures on reddit.
what do these bands do theyre super painful
Too Lazy to Move a Cycle, Ends Up Moving the Whole Auto into a ….
There is one more reason why most martial victims are usually Hindu men.
I Got Rubber Bands and I Hate Them
Wire came out of back back bracket
Do you guys thinks this is good for a first day on the job?
Hey, best laal maans in Jaipur?
Is there something I can get from US?
What should I get from the US?
Impacted tooth
Bottom teeth look worse- Do I trust the process?
Will my permanent retainer choke me in my sleep?
4 Pre Molar Extractions
Is bite blocks the only way to fix deepbite?
Which oil company to go with for fortuner 2013?
How many of you Know that cars have black box too?
Three Wheeler Indian Doggo , Life must be hard for him.
I'm in dilemma about my decision to stay in Rajasthan
What should I make my partner play?