Is the Adoption from Foster Care System Broken? Because It Feels Like It.
Adopting my niece from Venezuela
Disrupted. Now what?
Foster first or go straight to adoption?
Should I Keep Reaching Out Or Move On?
"Being adopted is my flex."
Lack of support from our friends and family.
Need advice on adoption from grown up adoptive children pls help
It shocks me how rarely kids get asked about their opinions on being adopted
How long does foster care usually take? I just wanna go home.
Why is (does it seem) there’s grace for those who “just don’t want to parent”, but those who adopt catch heat for “wanting a parenting experience”?
Has anyone adopted a "waiting child" from out of state?
Advice Needed: Navigating Boundaries with Biological Mother of My Adopted Kids
Referral for a drug test
Having a preferred age range
First Meeting Advice
Adoption Agency Lady when I said I wanted my baby back
Utah - Do I need kid's clothes for home study?
Can someone please help me to figure out how adoption can be a good thing? *slight vent
Adoptees: What, if anything, do you wish you could ask your biological parents?
ap's need to stop saying this sub is anti-adoption
There is no "what about" that makes Adoption necessary to help a child.
Moving to adopt
Will be adopted