One of the best days of my life
How to tell the guy I'm seeing about not being in a relationship for a while?
[TOMT] 00's Critical Thinking CD Computer Game
Cilff-hanging podcast recs for long roadtrip across the country
Why yes, I did look nice that day
My sister is a horrible driver
Mother is mad I emailed my grandfather (her dad)
🔥 Snow leopard checking out a wildlife cam 🔥
"Stop looking for someone and it'll happen with you least expect it"
[USA] Cadillac going too fast for road conditions spins out
No pupper here, only ghost, doin' me a spook
LPT: Before telling your landlord you're moving, ask them to fix anything broken that you're worried you might get charged for. They often will, and then when you move out they won't be able to take it out of your security deposit.
First time maturbation
Our front door gets scalding hot in the mornings so we crocheted a handle koozie
Best way/place to meet girls for people who don't like parties?
Good cities to move after college