250302 ATEEZ San Instagram: Good night #DGFW25 #DolceGabbana @dolcegabbana
This made me facepalm in class today
250228 CREA | ATEEZ Update
What ATEEZ art should I make?
Pick a idol or group and I’ll tell you my favorite song by them :)
250226 ATEEZ Jongho Instagram: 🤔
Idols who can switch from really cute to really hot
Wanteez hiatus
What's a gay stereotype you actually like?
KPOP moments that give you second hand embarrassment?
What’s y’all’s favorite game?
What does the bi flag mean to you?
Who is the hot one? (I am excited for this.)
250223 ATEEZ Yunho Instagram Update
Give me a number 1-387, and I’ll give you the song number
which embarrassing kpop idol moment had you like:
Name a group and others comment their favourite song by said group
Do It.
older atiny! what are some things you remember newer atiny wouldn't?
What’s a generally hated song that you lowkey enjoyed?
250222 ATEEZ Mingi Instagram: Do I see you tomorrow? #fixon
“tHaTs NaTuRe😡”
Can you name an underrated group?
What song is this for you?
Pick a number between 283 and 1 and I will give you a song that correlates with that number