i do not have a type like i will fall for the most random ppl ever 🎀
Friend looking to sell hotwheels speed machines premium set
India will never make it big in Ai, here's why:
Got the Porsche Majorette Chase for ₹199 - The Porsche 918 Spyder ⚡️
yall im screwed
[16F] Yo I’m really bored, wanna be friends? I have some odd and unusual interests such as music, anime and breathing air so I’m very special and not like other people!!! And I’m a cat person with allergy to cats!!!
ughhhhh im so sleepy all the timeeee
Whats up with discord mods
Most upvoted rule get added, everyday for 14 days new rules get added
Swedish expat in India
Is it a good option to buy a 600cc segment bike as my first bike?
Picked up the Porsche set today for less than a Hotwheels price per car!
Please god if you’re real in a couple of years give me an alt baddie 🙏
[F18] I'm unfortunately bored in class
[16m] i wanna be friens w people that like cool music like me n uh drugs maybe a lil be my friend im sickk as hell punk, hardcore n shit yeee
Why cant we have some nice things
No but genuinely, do people think pegging is gay?
My mom got me bootleg Hot Wheels
The masculine urge to curl up in a girls arms and fall asleep
Protestor gets owned
ISO at MRP as a new collector