What did your border collie look like at 6 months?
What is your Consumo high score?
[Super meat boy] as my 100th platinum!
AJA que la bande sombre entre 2 arc-en-ciel s'appelle la bande sombre d'Alexandre
Ah non je vends un grille-pain usé en fait
[discussion] What platinum are you working on?
[Discussion] Thinking about finishing up 2024 with some smaller game titles to get my early numbers up. Any suggestions?
[other] anyone else just %100 all their games ?
Which game did you quit after many hours because it was too frustrating?
Renégocier prêt immo en tant que auto-entrepreneur
AJA que les requins existaient sur Terre avant que les arbres n'existent
I don't remember this being so hard
[Discussion] what game/games are you currently playing to platinum?
[Dark Souls: Remastered] Platinum #17
Contacté par mon ancien employeur le lendemain d’un entretien d’embauche
[Discussion] What is your less and most difficult platinum ?
[Elden Ring] First time ever getting a platinum
Gta trilogy worth it over the original
[ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart] #1, my first platinum!!
[Red Dead Redemption 2] my proudest plat yet!
I just bought it on Black Friday, did I make a good investment? 20USD
What was the first gta you played? I'll start with
[Discussion] In which game series do you have the most platinum trophies? For me it's Need for Speed
[Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice] Never thought I’d even finish the game. 3 playthroughs and 70 hours later, I have the platinum.