"One Thing About Living In Santa Carla I Never Could Stomach...All The Damn Vampires." Best Xennial horror movie quotes...
Elder Xennial rant: why do I need a giant flatscreen on my car dash?
Spring Begins in 7b
Give me your most aggressive natives
Found My Old Favorite Hoodie in My Dad’s Basement
Choose your own (mis)adventure - which of these did you hurt yourself using ?
What's going on with Daredevil Born Again?
When basketball peaked
90s sitcoms and band appearances
Prolific spreaders?
Maybe we weren't geeks?
Data Analysts: What Are Tableau’s Biggest Limitations in Your Workflow?
Post a screenshot of a movie scene that made you bawl as a kid.
Did anybody else here go to the local army surplus store growing up for all your camo, dummy grenades and Rambo knife needs?
My gen Alpha kids are great at using tech, but don't "get" tech.
What couple in a movie had no chemistry at all?
Do people still do this? Are there any other generational gestures you can think of?
I’ve been on an 80s cult classics kick lately. Any suggestions that would fit this vibe?
How long is Divinity Original Sin 2 compared to Baldur’s Gate 3?
Best open source email client?
Righty green and lefty red scissors
PowerBI vs Tableau
Probably not the right target audience for this question, but thoughts on tramp stamps in hindsight? Do young adults still get these?
Is the social security debacle as simple as the doge kids not understanding what COBOL is?
PowerBI over Tableau?