How long did you stay in the hospital after delivering, and via which method?
First roll!!!
What is something you were foolishly ignorant about before being pregnant/having a baby?
I feel betrayed by my body
AITA for not taking my mother to my brothers 18th birthday?
How big are your babies?
Tips for doing chores and errands with baby ?
Cute things your baby did today?
JNMIL being weird? Or am I just biased because I hate her
Breastfeeding is mil repellent.
What is your breastfeeding unpopular opinion?
Anyone else leak from both boobs when breastfeeding?
Does anyone else just love breastfeeding?
What is your favorite strain of marijuana?
What did you name your pet after and why?
What two foods that shouldn't go together, go really well together?
If you could remove a body part or an organ but still live a normal life what would you remove?
Advice needed baby dropping off chart and lower weight gain since sleeping longer at night
what nicknames are you calling your baby?
Nobody told me newborns were so funny!
When did they smile?
Baby farts
Velcro stage?
Help with night schedule
I need help figuring day naps