How have Raids changed the way you play the game?
Drop you Google Play usernames here,let's make a friends network!
Raid appreciation thread
How tf are my fellow Raid-ers spending all these caps?
Dear developers
Level 99 no longer works?
Left for a day and came back to a massacre
Am I the only that thinks…
New update, no gems on death
The game is boring now
Marriage Cheating
I'm really tired of being stuck at silver smithy
Feels like I beat the game.
Productivity, Traits and Happiness
Wave 30 cleared = chill time right?
Trick for upgrading gear you might not know
325 arcane hourglasses later...
New minor update
A Guide to Heirloom Pack Farming (the great baby slaughter)
Ridiculous Amounts
Where is the Corundum
Gauntlet late game life leech
Where have you gotten Soul Gems From?
Baby Argonians grow up so fast! 🥹
Small event ideia: Supply the Imperial Legion