Which Yours Truly cover do you like best?
Best time to look into housing!
Racist Experiences
My Little Bro Got in to SLO!!!
Is a part time job at Kumon a good way to spend my summer?
admissions files from accepted schools you DIDN'T go to
Can someone make these more professional looking? I took my newborns photos but they just don’t look quite right. Maybe the shadows and fuzzy blanket throw it off? $15 thank you!
Is it just me or gmail feels like the most extreme dopamine generator now
Orfaelea Concentrations
drop your majors below for cal poly slo!
need reassurance for uc admissions 💔
Switching Majors
SLO clutch of the day
I can't handle three rejections in a row. please ucla do not come out today
my formal apology
UCSD, i wasn't gonna go but why'd u say no 😂
everytime i get rejected my safety emails me
If ucla drops today im texting my ex
Can we stop with the “stupid question but” posts and just ask the question in the title. Spit it out already
uci or ucsd
just got my rejection
Ucsd, ucla and uci have to release decisions now that carti has dropped
does anyone want a free 4 year plan for their major!
Where to practice driving and what is a good driving school in the area?