Gender of the name Morgan
If your kids draw - what was their drawing development like?
Literal brain meets becoming a mother = a whole neurodivergent awakening
What is something you love about being autistic?
Anyone else into weird crawlspaces?
Are your kids in sports?
Question for autistic parents of NT children
AIO: Son didn’t invite my partner to his wedding…
Doesn't everybody, to a certain extent, learn behaviour by imitating others ? Or am I in denial?
I just made a comment (deleted) that I hate reading to my kids but I do it because it’s good for them…
Reddit has made me realize how much parents of NT kids essentially refuse to imagine a life different than their ow.
Ironically, I find the normies socially lacking
What do I look like my name is (be as honest as you want lol)
“Unicorn” babies?
Am I the only one afraid of dying?
Has anyone been a SAHM, gone back to work, and regretted it?
If you could get away guilt free with naming your kid a name from a different culture/language, what would it be?
Am I overreacting
“Autism is the latest fad for woke moms”
Need Advice: Toddler strapped in a buggy for more 45minutes at the end of the day at daycare
So how much fighting back is normal for a 6 year old?
My sister abandoned her family - I have a deep fear my kids will do the same to me
How do you view your mom differently after becoming a mom yourself?
Toys in kids’ rooms?