Finally maxed town hall 13 including the lab
Recommend me good songs that arent popular!!!
i finally decided it was time.
Eu sou muito chorona
Afundando na depressão
dentes amarelados
HOCD ou NEGAÇÃO? Por favor me ajudem, alguém que passou por isso me dê uma luz
One million jerry-assed reposts
How can God can love everyone equally??
I wish I could hug Jesus
Reminder to get this month's free 100 gems from the Store!!
help me
Sinto inveja dos americanos e japoneses por um motivo idiota e futil
Does someone know a good tutorial on how to attack??
Mostly bald, deserted, and rejected 😊 (oh well!)
Adesanya dancing in Nigeria is dope
Skin combination
After 1.5 weeks of TH13, I officially dont need to stress about walls for several months now (Maxing walls first/at all is a first for me!)
I completed the Eiffel Tower LEGO set with my dad!! 10,001 pieces of pure joy!!
Is God really that good?
Did i relapse?
27 days of Zero porn
Is this dress church-appropriate??
How to beat it?