Do you think we will ever see Demons as counterparts to Angels? I don't mean the Demons of Daima but actual Demons of very high rank
What would y’all say is the minimum age someone could watch invincible
Be honest who's winning this
Am I the only one who thinks Vegito’s face looks kinda weird in Super?
So are we just not gonna talk about how Majin Vegeta can canonically stretch and distort his face a little bit?
Carti diss???
Goku SSJ2 Vs Majin Vegeta
Should I be concerned?
Custom painted figure I did for my sons 14th birthday, his favorite character and his favorite transformation 😁
This my Wii U gamepad
Yall am I the only one who doesn’t use spells??
Who is truly the Multiverse's Ruler: The Creator OR King?
Anyone slightly disappointed by this song?
I may be dumb, but I just found out that this man has never actually died
New Star Wars Game To Be Revealed At 'Star Wars' Celebration Japan
Do you agree with this “tweet”? I personally don’t.
Wts Autographed I Am I Was Vinyl New
Sandisk 1 tb card full
can i use a vita memory card AND a sd2vita at the same time?
what a weird sight
RE Village isn't that scary.
Hot take frieza vs whis
Two types of carti fans right now
‘Dragon Ball Z’ Remake Is Possible, Says Series Character Designer
How would explain 21 Savage's popularity?