Shrek 5 if Netflix had filmed it
Would you buy Grand Theft Auto 6 for $100?
Say one good thing about this game
cloud guy won! who is a *universally beloved love interest*?
The official Witcher account has changed its username on X from @witchergame to @thewitcher
The terrible sadness I feel, finishing San Andreas again, and thinking it will eventually be the last time
Did you know that officer tenpenny only earns an income of ten pennies per month? (get it?)
Describe S10 to me in one word
Who is he? (Wrong answers only)
Not sure if this has been posted but..
Did i screw up this quest?
Anything Fable and Zelda twilight princess share in common?
Do you love or hate Dutch ?
What features do these two games share in common
What do you think of my CJ?
Yeah... no difference at all.
I think Rockstar taking down Liberty city mod for gta v is a good thing! and heres why
Explain a whole Ninjago season out of context and make it so confusing that I'll be having a hard time to guess it.
Say something you dislike about Arthur.
Describe S6 to me in one word
Fans are always fix problems
Who is this? (Wrong Answers Only)
Say something negative about this game
What’s something that GTA V did better than RDR2?